Cut Out White Masquerade Mask with Rhinestones

Cut Out White Masquerade Mask with Rhinestones


Cut Out White Masquerade Mask with Rhinestones

Womens fancy cut out resin white masquerade mask with sparkly silver glitter and rhinestone accents. Wear this adult's white face mask to your next masquerade masked ball or mask party.


  • White molded plastic cut out mask painted in matte white on the face.
  • The mask has white and silver glitter decorations and rhinestone accents.
  • White ribbons are attached on the sides for tying and securing to your own face.

Mask dimensions:

Height: approximately 10cm

Width: approximately 18.5cm

Please note: The glue from the diamantes has slightly discoloured. The mask has been reduced in price due to this. This masquerade mask is also hand glued, the gems may fall off inside the packaging. They can be re-glued if necessary and is not considered a fault.