The Classic TalesEver heard the tale of a Jorogumo In Japanese folklore, certain supernatural creatures, or yokai, plague humans in their daily affairs. One particularly devilish creature, is the Jorogumo. Half-spider and half-beautiful woman, these creatures try to lure unsuspecting prey to their web. Once they have their prey fully distracted... they strike!Japanese folklore has many stories involving these evil creatures, and now, you can craft your own story of the Jorogumo with this delightfully frightening mask. Just put it on and let the terror begin!Product DetailsNow, you can transform into the deadly creature from Japanese folklore! This Jorogumo Mask for adults is crafted out of molded latex and has bone-chilling details sculpted right into it. Extra, spider-like eyes are plastered all over the front of the face. A pair of fierce fangs line the open mouth. Random horns jut out of the sides and top of the mask. It even features a layer of synthetic hair attached at the top.The mask fits with a slit in the back, which allows you to put it on overhead easily. The front of the mask has eye slits for vision, but wearing this mask may cause some limited vision.
Jorogumo Adult Mask