""The Creeper"" HD Comfort Mask


This Eerie Fellow is out to take you home. He is an unsettling lunatic that has planes for you and they aren't pretty. In the darkness he lurks just waiting, waiting for his moment to lunge. Missing one eye doesn't slow him down so beware the Creeper because it's Midnight and your time is up.

The Creeper is part of our NEW line of Comfort Fit Masks. This new line has been designed with your comfort in mind and is perfect for trick or treating and/or haunted house use. These Mask and Hand Sets have been designed to keep you cooler than a normal mask, while still giving more comfort and that great Horror Dome design and realism. Made in the U.S.A.

Our Comfort Fit products offer the following Benefits:

Light Weight

More Comfortable to wear than a normal Mask

Not Hot to wear

Better Breath-ability than normal Masks or Hand Sets

100% Made in the USA

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