NEW ""Zombie Gorilla"" HD Studios Pro Mask


Zombie Gorilla Mask – As if the zombie apocalypse wasn’t enough this gruesome Gorilla is a little past his due date. Rotted and extremely upset this monstrous primate is out for blood and judging by its size it will get it. The full Halloween costumes are also available for those of you who what to go the extra distance. This unique Halloween mask design from The Horror Dome is perfect to wear as part of a zombie horde, or as a lone straggler, limping behind the pack due to his gruesome injury. Hand painted for a realistic look, this over the head mask provides a seamless fit, made in the USA.

 The Zombie Gorilla Mask Features:

  • Full, Over the Head Halloween Mask
  • Hand painted for ultra realism
  • Tattered Zombie Hair

The Zombie Gorilla is a collector Halloween mask offered exclusively by the experts at the Horror Dome.